Websites are fundamental to the success of your business or enterprise. In many instances a website has overtaken traditional print media as a primary source of marketing. With this in mind we make a point if identifying your initial requirements and marrying them to a solution that fits your budget.

Much of our web development is based on tried and tested open source solutions such as WordPress or Prestashop.

Open-source software is free and supported by thousands of developers and users, all highly motivated to see their software succeed. Often a developer requires some unavailable functionality which they create and make available free of charge or a minimal charge to the community.

To you as a customer, this means there are no software licensing fees. You just need to pay for web hosting and your domain, safe in the knowledge that the software company won’t go out of business.

We charge purely for the installation, configuration and customisation of these web applications which might include colour or layout changes.

With content managed websites or online shops, we can provide an initial population of content service and every website is handed over with a person to person tutorial on how to manage or operate the website. Additional advice will be provided on how to maximise your search engine visibility along with suggestions on how to push yourself up the rankings using white-hat (legitimate) techniques including adwords.

In some instances only paid for applications will do. Where such a requirement exists we will undertake thorough research to find the most appropriate and cost-effective solution. A good example of this is the premium theme used for this website which is based on WordPress with modest modifications.

Of course we also develop from the ground up, particularly useful for static websites, which allows for fully customised and unlimited layouts. We will also develop custom sites for use with Adobe Contribute which must be purchased and installed on your computer but allows for a WYSIWYG editing interface.